
Speaking Naked™ is a culmination of over thirty-five years of learning about the art of presenting, pitching and selling. The Speaking Naked™ process helps uncover your authentic, natural, charismatic self. You’ll discover tools and techniques that will show you how to rapidly persuade and influence others with integrity.

What would you like to know?

Thanks for visiting my personal website, I’m assuming you might want to know a little more about me, after all it’s unlikely you stumbled upon

If you googled me, you’ll have probably noticed that I don’t have much of a
profile on social media.

That’s intentional. Because while I see the value in platforms like Facebook, TikTok, instagram, Twitter and whatever else is trending, I’m not a big fan.

To save you time and so you can decide if it’s worth making contact, here’s some brief details about who I am and what I do.

I am best described as a Persuasion & Influence Specialist. In my book Speaking Naked™ I talk about how you can engage and inspire any audience by revealing the real you. In reality it’s all about the art of selling.
Apart from a lifelong obsession with persuasion, what about my credentials?
I spent most of my career as a professional liar in advertising, and as an award winning Creative Director. Later qualified as a Master Practitioner Hypnotherapist.

Today my focus is on teaching people how to sell more effectively. This means ditching old fashioned manipulative techniques, in favour of being authentic and building trust.

Hopefully the words, professional liar, hypnotherapist, award winning, and trust, have made you curious to know more.

If you’re an old friend or colleague, it would be great to hear from you. If you are a potential client I’d love to hear from you too. If the idea of Speaking Naked™ appeals and you’d like a copy of my book...

Al Dickman
Persuasion & Influence Specialist